Thursday, June 13, 2013

New York's Child Labor Law Will Change the Modeling Industry

The fashion industry which worships youth and beauty will be in for a change as the New York State legislature yesterday passed a bill proposing that models under the age of 18 be protected by the same labor laws that apply to child actors, singers, and performers.  The bill just needs to be signed by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo in order to become law.  His office said it is reviewing the legislation and will take several months before a decision is made.  In the likely event it does pass, what will it mean for those fashion houses hiring models under-aged models?

Basically, there will be more hoops to jump through.  Companies will need to obtain a permit to employ minor models, document working hours, not allow minors to work past midnight or return to work less than twelve hours after having left work, provide a private tutor and study area if they miss more than three days of school, etc.  Minor models will also need to be accompanied by a chaperone if they are under 16 years old and 15% of their income has to be placed in a trust for them to access at 18.  

"I really feel like the easy solution is going to be, fine, bring me an 18-year-old,” Susan Scafidi, the director of the Fashion Law Institute at Fordham University Law School said.  “It is true that the aesthetic is going to change a lot."

Sara Ziff, a former model who also modeled at a young age, started an advocacy group called the Model Alliance, which worked with legislators on the proposed changes to the child labor laws.  Ziff said, "There is no doubt models who have started at 14 have gone on to great careers, but it’s just too young to be subjected to this industry."

Perhaps we will actually start seeing adult models modeling clothes made for and marketed to adults.  

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