In May, it was widely reported that Versace had won a counterfeit lawsuit against Griffith Suisse Luxury Group after four and a half years of litigation. Since the announcement, the alleged counterfeiter, Griffith Suisse has disputed Versace's victory stating that the matter was settled "wherein both parties agreed not to pursue legal action against each other." With respect to the 2011 lawsuit filed against online auction house, eBay over similar matters - that is being appealed after California state trial court dismissed Griffith Suisse claims. Read Griffith Suisse's statement after the jump.
Griffith Suisse Luxury Group's statement:
Griffith-Suisse Luxury Group has released a statement refuting announcements by the Versace Group that it had won a court victory in a counterfeit case in Northern California against them after 4 years.
On the contrary, it was Griffith Suisse Luxury Group who first initiated the lawsuit against Versace and Ebay in 2008. Versace was alleged to have abused its VERO rights by instructing Bay to take down multiple of Griffith-Suisse Luxury Group’s listings even though they were evidently all authentic. Ebay took the listings down without the required NOIC (Notice of Claimed Infringement), clearly abetting the luxury brand’s attempt to control the market by removing goods without evidence or basis. As a matter of fact, eBay has not been able to produce a single properly filled out NOIC document for any luxury items de-listed on Griffith-Suisse Luxury Group’s eBay account. It is obvious that eBay has been making biased decisions in favor of the luxury brands at the detriment of it’s own sellers.
Ms. Lara Griffith reiterates their Company’s firm stand on the matter, “As far as we are concerned, Griffith Suisse-Luxury Group, did not sell any counterfeit Versace items on it’s eBay account. The settlement with Versace was a mutual one, wherein both parties agreed not to pursue legal action against each other."
The case against eBay is still in the process of being appealed. If the appeal is successful the public will be able to hear the testimony of former TSAM (Top Seller Account Manager), Adam Smit who stated that at that time, “eBay’s Top management acted like Gods” in regard to determining what to do with it’s members. It will be very interesting to see what else this former eBay employee will reveal about the inner workings of eBay’s top management when he is called to testify against them.The entire 2011 complaint against eBay can be found here.
Further, Griffith Suisse provided us with more insight to their company and to what lead to these lawsuits, as well an inside look at the enforcement of eBay's VeRO policies which allows third parties who hold certain intellectual property rights to report listings that infringe on their rights.
The GRIFFITH-SUISSE LUXURY GROUP OF COMPANIES was established in 1997. Unlike most companies that are moved only by the dollar bill, Mr. Griffith saw this business as a means to help the poorest in society. The Company dedicated part of its profits to the Tuloy sa don Bosco Street Children’s Village in the Republic of the Philippines and at one point became its largest benefactor. As the years went by, the Company became one of the leading sources of Fine Hand carved Traditional Furniture in the Philippines. In 2003 the Company expanded into the United States. The Company joined eBay USA in 2004 and started auctioning fine Luxury Furniture under their own brand names, Georgian Lane, Dominic Gerard and J Emmanuel. It was their belief that eBay provided them with a worldwide audience to whom they could successfully market and advertise their products. By late 2005 eBay became the Corporation’s leading marketing and selling medium in the USA, encompassing 85% of all United States retail sales and reaching numerous clients worldwide. The response of the eBay community was very encouraging and through the dedicated assistance and insightful suggestions of their eBay Titanium Account Manager Adam Smit, the Company began diversifying into selling other luxury items. All this was based on a brilliant suggestion by their Titanium manager that “in order to catch a BIG Fish, you should throw out a LITTLE Fish”. Embracing this concept, their Chairman invested in various Brand name products such as Rolls Royce, Bentley, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Versace, AT DuPont, Maitland Smith, Cartier, Rolex and countless others in order to sell on eBay in conjunction with their own luxury products. Versace was a particularly favored brand because they were entering the Home Furnishings sector and many of their accessories greatly complemented the Fine Mahogany Furniture. The idea worked well, The Company, under the eLuxuryGroup user name was bringing in Clients for their own Luxury Furniture Brands through the sale of smaller value Luxury Brand items. Because of the vast amount of products listed, over 3 Million unique visitors viewed their auctions a year on average. Most buyers did not expect to receive such quality furniture from an eBay Seller and were absolutely amazed with their products when they arrived. The problems began in 2006, when numerous of the company’s items were de-listed on eBay due to alleged VeRo Infringement. The Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program was set up by eBay in order comply with the Digital Millennium Act. It was created so that intellectual property owners could easily report listings that infringe their rights. But this whole VeRo de-listing matter was very unclear because the Company made sure everything it was selling was authentic. It was in Company’s best interests to ensure everything sold was authentic because ultimately, the main goal was to sell the furniture and listing the luxury goods was only a means to do that. Mr. Griffith frustratingly told their (TSAM) Top Seller’s Account Manager, Adam Smit that he could not understand why so many of their items were still being de-listed. In November 6, 2006, the Company’s account was again suspended by eBay due to multiple de-listings by VeRo member, Versace who through eBay, took out each and every single one of Versace’s product off the site. This was alarming news because not only were there hundreds of items removed, but they were accused of selling counterfeit goods – something the Company vehemently denied. The Company offered to send Versace the items to prove the goods were all authentic. Most were purchased at “OFF FIFTH”, a Saks fifth Avenue Outlet, where the Company purchased the goods at 70% off its price. We found out during the discovery process of the case that eBay could not produce a single properly filled out NOCI form yet they de-listed the items anyway. Oddly enough, just when they needed him the most, long time titanium account manager Adam Smit, unexpectedly told Mr. Griffith that he was resigning from eBay to join another Company. The Company’s eBay account was assigned a new account manager by the name of Kelley Vance, who said “Their hands were tied” and that this problem was now solely between the VeRo Member and the Company - totally out of eBay’s hands. Unfortunately, despite numerous attempts to contact them, to the point of even hiring lawyers to try to reach them, the VeRo accusers proved to be indifferent or uncooperative. Kelly said in one e-mail that she did not really have any pointers to give us how to go about it. She also said in another e-mail that “they (Versace) is not required to give eBay any specific information”;“Bay cannot make Versace accountable”. Apparently, VeRo members are given the right NOT to reply at all. The Company was so desperate that it even promised Vero Members that they would no longer list any other item except their own furniture so long as they can get reinstated but it was all to no avail. S.T. DuPont was the only one who responded and they told the company that they would only agree to write eBay a letter of reinstatement if an agreement can be signed stating only 3 pieces of St. DuPont items will be listed at a time. According to their lawyers, the infringement eLuxurgroup committed was due to the excessive quantity of items sold and the venue in which the goods were sold, all of which was detrimental to their “brand image”. Although the company does understand the necessity of a VeRo program, in fact it greatly appreciates and encourages the protection it seeks to provide, it cannot accept the unfair and unbalanced policies nor the abuse it promotes. So long as the eBay VeRo program does not require accusers to answer for their allegations when they are challenged, there is no justice nor fairness in the System. EBay’s policies are unjust and biased policies that are in fact pro-Vero and anti-seller. Despite numerous pleadings for help, Kelley Vance purposely concealed the option of using a “counter notice” (DMCA Act), which would require eBay to re-list all the items by law if not contested. Adam Smit, prior to resigning mentioned it only once but at the same time gravely discouraged its use. eBay’s VeRO policies are blatantly biased. In a recent statement, Adam Smit (former TSAM) admitted that at that time, eBay’s Top Management Acted like GODS! Since when in the United States is someone permanently sentenced on the basis of a baseless accusation, especially when the accuser is suddenly nowhere to be found – or worse, is not even required to prove the veracity of their accusations? Suddenly, eBay who first enticed and encouraged their member, to invest lots of money into growing their eBay business is totally abandoned by them saying there was absolutely nothing they could do to help the situation because of the unproven word of a 3rdparty, not even involved in the transaction in the first place. eBay will on one hand say that they are in no position to determine the authenticity of any item sold therefore leaving that responsibility solely to their VeRo members but on the other hand will tell that seller that the reason for their permanent suspension is because they are selling too may counterfeit goods. How is it that they can suddenly be able to determine the goods to be counterfeit as fact? Does that not sound contradictory? It is almost as if eBay conspired with Versace to deliberately kill the seller’s account. Apparently there is truth to this because a letter was discovered addressed to eBay from Versace in Milan, Italy asking eBay to do precisely that – de-list EVERYTHING andsuspend the seller. eBay simply just followed was what Versace wanted from the beginning without question, totally disregarding the NOCI Policies requiring the VeRo Member to sign under the penalty of perjury. Even Versace later admitted under penalty of perjury that they did not send any official NOCI (Notice of Claimed Infringement) to eBay at that time, implying it was eBay that violated their own policies. eBay made it effortless for Versace or any VeRo member to abuse its program. It seems that eBay’s Vero program is a “Guilty first until proven innocent” program that is grossly in favor of its Vero members, turning over to these Big Companies the SOLE power and right to re-instate an accused seller so long as they conform to their demands (as with ST. Dupont). It is unjust for eBay to be allowed to enforce a policy that does not give sellers any recourse to redeem themselves from false accusations. It is obviously “unfair business practice” because it does not give a person the RIGHT to a FAIR hearing. EBay’s Vero Program promotes the environment wherein VeRo Members can very easily abuse their authority to de-list items for other self-motivated intentions other than legitimate copyright/trademark infringement issues without having to answer to anyone for it. This is evident in the reply of ST DuPont when they stated that the reason for their de-listings is not a matter of authenticity but a matter of quantity, brand image and venue. The reality is that some companies do not want their products sold on eBay at all and the Vero program makes it especially easy for them to do so without any real consequence. But as if that was not enough damage inflicted by eBay on our Company; Apart from unfairly suspending the company’s main selling account, eBay then added insult to injury by hosting and publishing the malicious contents of an eBay Forum (lasting several months) containing numerous defamatory statements which further harmed the Company’s reputation as well as the reputation of its chairman, Mr. Griffith before the entire eBay Community and the broader community of the worldwide web. This forum ridiculed, scorned and bred contempt for the Company by personally attacking its chairman, Mr. Griffith by way of generating untruthful attacks on character through malevolent insinuations, derogatory statements, lies, and wishing harm against his person and the Corporation. November 12, 2006 Mrs. Griffith’s brother through another account called GroupdeLuxe, tried to post a message of explanation and assurance to Clients in the forum, but his post was immediately taken out by Susan of the Trust and safety department claiming that it is against eBay’s policy to post a message about a “no longer registered member”. Clearly she should have taken out the forum right then and there because the title of the forum in itself, “eLuxuryGroup, no longer a registered member” was obviously a violation based on her own words. This removal of GroupdeLuxe’s message is undeniable proof that eBay’s Trust and Safety Department was well aware of existence of the Forum and its contents and yet they did not protect the suspended eBay member by taking it out even though it was reported to their Account Manager, Kelley Vance. The forum in itself along with its entire decorum was clearly AGAINST eBay Policies and yet eBay allowed it to progress into a deliberate character assassination by scornful individuals who continued to worsen for several months still. In fact, eBay encouraged participation in this destructive Community Forum by disseminating these defamatory statements via e-mail, message-forwarding systems. The Forum was also made easily accessible to general public access through search engines. Since the only information eBay was willing to give the general public was the statement “NO LONGER A REGISTERED USER”. Clients who had pending orders upon seeing this notice began panicking and there was a sudden surge in Credit Card Charge backs and PayPal Refunds. It was this very forum, which alarmed majority of eLuxuryGroup Clients and created the false notion that the company was a big “SCAM” and that everybody should try and get their money back immediately. This forum triggered rampant charge backs and refunds for goods that were already exported out of the Plant and within the shipping company’s possession. Without any voice, the company did not have a means good enough to directly dispute the rumors and assure Clients that these lies were totally false and that the company would continue to make every effort to honor all its commitments. Mr. Griffith tried his best to assure the community through e-mail messages about the integrity and stability of the business and the Company’s intent to supply all furniture obligations, but eBay’s ban on communication leaving only the forum’s devastatingly negative influence on clients made the situation so severe and that the financial damage inflicted became irrecoverable. It became so brutal that the rumors did ring true after all, and the Company was literally forced on its knees with money pouring out unceasingly, so much so that eventually there was no money left. Mr. Griffith was literally forced try to find a way to log in and report the forum to eBay’s Trust and Safety department, even giving them the links and e-mailing the actual pages but three times they denied it was them hosting it and said it was some sort of “spoof” website – not eBay. We cannot believe that after conducting their own investigation, eBay’s Trust and safety department is so incompetent that they cannot even tell the difference between a “spoof” and what is genuine within their very own website - three times it was reported to them and three times they denied the obvious. Then after a day or so, suddenly it was taken out by eBay. No admission, No apology… just gone as if nothing happened. But after all that damage, did eBay according to their own policies reprimand any of these members for their actions? Was anybody even warned? suspended? The damages eBay’s gross negligence and unfair business practices have caused Company and the Griffith Family is unquantifiable. The Griffith family spent many years training their staff until they reached the skill levels necessary to make some of the finest furniture produced today. Each long time employee, most of whom worked for Mr. Griffith’s parents, was important to the Company which was more like a family. Because of eBay, these old friends find themselves out of work after so many years of loyal service - no amount of money can buy that back. This is why in a last ditch effort to try and save jobs and provide payroll for their suffering employees for Christmas, Mrs. Griffith sent a letter of appeal to eBay and VeRo, hoping that somehow, if they promise not to list any items except their own, their account could get reinstated - but this plea for mercy it fell on deaf ears. In fact the reply was so cold that they even mentioned not to bother writing to them again. It was absolutely heartless especially after all the damage they had done! Mr. and Mrs. Griffith with their own life savings, hard work, blood, sweat and tears built up their Company from what little they had. They believed they could make a better life and so invested into the United States, “The Land of Opportunity”. The hope and the dream was to possibly make a better life for themselves, for all the Street Children in the Philippines and to make a better life for all their employees. The mere fact that the Brands they promoted even bear Mr. Dominic Griffiths own name and the name of his only son means that they valued it tremendously. They put enormous effort, time and energy into building up their company’s reputation. It was the one legacy they wanted to leave their son. Can you imagine how horrible it was for them to see it dragged through the mud and riddled with insinuations and lies? People everywhere were saying they were a big SCAM. What this family treasured most and protected most dearly was the very thing eBay destroyed. “It doesn't happen often, but occasionally there is misuse on eBay. Should misuse occur, Safe Harbor springs into action and tries to resolve issues related to fraud, trading offenses, and illegally listed items.” EBay will advertise and promote that eBay is “SAFE”. This experience shows us otherwise. How can eBay be “Safe” when their policies reflect UNFAIR BUSINESS PRACTICES and their Trust and Safety Team cannot even tell the difference between what is real and a spoof within their own website. It has been almost 5 years now since the case was first taken to the Santa Clara County Court in 2008. Summary judgment was recently awarded in favor of eBay on the grounds of upholding the “USER AGREEMENT” - an unconscionable agreement that you cannot avoid. Even if you do not agree with it, you are given no choice – it is this unconscionable agreement that gives eBay its power to “act like gods”. You would hope that our numerous motions in accordance with the law would win over an unconscionable user agreement like that, but apparently not. Anyway, we are still fighting and hope that someone would see the reality of the damage eBay has done and continues to do. May our appeal that we are about to file find its way to open minds who will listen to the plea, not just for our sake but for the sake of the hundreds who have been unjustly treated by bullies in big business who think they can get away with anything.Readers, what do you think?
My husband and I were customers of Dominic and his wife in 2003 and we recommended their furniture. However, in 2008, when we paid Dominic tens of thousands of dollars, he partially delivered a few pieces and then he and his wife have absconded with thousands of dollars of our and other peoples money and left all their employees with months/years of unpaid salaries and they are still trying to scam people by advertising in Australia, as they have run out of countries to run their scams in...please let people know not to do business with them. I can understand falling on hard times but then becoming thieves and liars is not a way out. We have asked him several times to just give us an apology but even that is too much for him. Who is the bully now? DO NOT DO ANY BUSINESS WITH HIM OR HIS WIFE OR BELIEVE THEM....HE IS AWAITING SENTENCING AND I HOPE HE GOES TO JAIL.
ReplyDeleteHi, a group of us, who have been scammed and cheated by Dominic, his family and companies, are planning a class action law suite. We would greatly appreciate your involvement. You do not have to contribute financially; we just want him to pay for what he has done to hundred of people and have the family be locked-up for fraud. Please email us at:
DeleteHi there i ask you to judge Dominic individually and not involve family as the family of Dominic actually are also affected by him he even owes them money too. I applaud who ever wrote this blog because it helps people to know the truth about Dom he is a disgusting ice junkie he also owes me money and will get what is coming to him. I am also written too all the people own his previous client list with his son to advise them to post further comments on this blog. I know Dominics family his son doesn't talk to him because he worked like a slave for him for 2 yrs and is owed $100k wages. His ex wife got left with a 100k credit card debit and this almost cost her her own dreams in life. Her family also got thousands stolen from them too so i ask you to please not kick someone when they are already down target the person responsible as they were merely innocent trusting people who also got burnt just like everyone else on here. Dom is being reported to the tax department for avoiding taxes he also has someone seeing him for thousands of dollars worth of goods. He will eventually end up in jail where he belongs soon enough. i personally have my goods with one of his employees and am taking them to court because they are supporting this inhuman tragedy. He has no money the only thing we can do is ruin his reputation so he will never get a single dollar from another person again.
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DeleteThis is so odd .. I feel like I am being 'PUNKED' I did quite alot of business with Dominic , I live in CANADA And all of my items arrived , sometimes a bit late but I always recieved what I ordered , He shared his personal mental health struggles with me but was always proffesional .. I am confused now , are the items I recieved counterfiet ? Is this what I am being told ? Alison
DeleteWe can only see what is in front of us and that is often not what it seems...I know Dominic and his wife are good people. I really cannot say much for those that wish others harm or ill will... I would not wish anything terrible even on my worst enemy because that would then reveal something about my own self.
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DeleteI purchased over 50,000.00 Canadian of furniture from gslg. They are liars and I am still waiting for over $12,000.00 of furniture that was never evrn shipped never mind delivered. GSLG (Dominic) is a counterfitter and a thief. Any contrary opinion need only talk to the hundreds of people who have been ripped off. The sad part is the furniture is great quality however they lie, are disorganized and dont ship what you pay for.
ReplyDeleteHi, a group of us, who have been scammed and cheated by Dominic, his family and companies, are planning a class action law suite. We would greatly appreciate your involvement. You do not have to contribute financially; we just want him to pay for what he has done to hundred of people and have the family be locked-up for fraud. Please email us at:
DeleteDominic Gerrard selling fake Versace items in ebAy and he is using someone else accounts from worldwide beware
ReplyDeleteHi, a group of us, who have been scammed and cheated by Dominic, his family and companies, are planning a class action law suite. We would greatly appreciate your involvement. You do not have to contribute financially; we just want him to pay for what he has done to hundred of people and have the family be locked-up for fraud. Please email us at:
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DeleteDominic Gerrard is a thief, con-artist, fraud. He scammed us for 30,000,000 US dollars.
ReplyDeleteHi, a group of us, who have been scammed and cheated by Dominic, his family and companies, are planning a class action law suite. We would greatly appreciate your involvement. You do not have to contribute financially; we just want him to pay for what he has done to hundred of people and have the family be locked-up for fraud. Please email us at:
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DeleteHi, my name is Dominic Gerard and I am the person this forum is about.
ReplyDeleteI am for TRUTH, no matter who it's for or who it is against and I make myself no exception, I am for TRUTH.
First of all, I find it silly that anyone will listen to a business competitor like RosenthalDiscount that sells Versace Rosenthal on eBay like we do, who will obviously claim we are a counterfeiter.
Lets use some common sense please.
The lawsuit Versace claims to be victorious about is the lawsuit in which they were the DEFENDANT ! Has anyone ever heard of a lawsuit where a supposed counterfeiter sued a brand, and did so for almost 10 years? Now that would make a good story. A great blog. I personally invested with my business partner $1.8M into that lawsuit from 2006-2013 gladly selling every asset of my families... I have no regrets today by doing so. Our business very much was hurt during these 8 years but our exceptional Philippine, American and Australian team worked hard to go back, even several years later and settle almost every one with just a few remaining, well with almost everyone , there are a few my family felt simply feel should be left alone, here among themselves on this very forum rather than to settle with them. They have been bitter to the end. When you defame anothers character & worse begin to assume to know another persons journey in life, you are taking on something you know nothing about. You become incredibly proud. A wiser person would not begin to do so. When a client makes all sorts of unreasonable demands, death threats, belittle a mans character, belittle a mans children, scream at his employees and harass them to no end, who should tolerate that? When a client wants to believe the worse because they simply can not get another on the phone or get a reply to their email in their time frame without giving some consideration that the individual may have a huge crisis to deal with with more than 600 other clients to also attend too.
First, no decent scam artist would use their own name, or introduce their children to their clients. Would they take them to dinner, or lunch and these sort of things? Scam artists are creatures of the dark. They scam you and they run away with your money. They don't come back at any point, hardly years later and repay you even after the client has long forgotten that you even owed them their order. They simply will have moved on... Yet we have, and still do. As I said at the beginning of this post, I am for TRUTH, no matter who it is for, or who it is against. I am for TRUTH... if you read what is posted above, AGAIN, my family sued VERSACE for fraud, VERSACE was the DEFENDANT not the plaintiff. How can they possibly claim victory? It is a publicity stunt after they settled with my former partner. Something I personally would never have done. I would have gladly gone to prison rather than to settle with such a family like Versace. They maliciously used the eBay VeRO program to shut down 1,000's of our listings and close our business simply because they did not like the way we were auctioning the goods starting at $1 on eBay, it was detrimental to their BRAND IMAGE. In the process they put 1,000 of our employees and our company operating in 3 countries out of business. Add to that, my family at that time was the largest benefactor to street children in the Philippines. Is that consistent with criminal activity either? Versace & eBay are the guilty party as they hurt thousands of childrens dreams. That was the REAL issue why I proudly fought that case so hard, I was an adopted child. I saw what they did to our ability to support the foundation, not that the people on this forum would care anything about that. They simply wanted their stuff end of story. What eBay and Versace did was wrong and remains that way. Time is the greatest teller of all and things have a funny way of working out for the best.
Thank you for hearing my side of the TRUTH.
Dominic Gerard
The TRUTH is the one word that Dominic Gerard is unfamiliar with; lies, deception, scam and con artist are the words that best describe Dominic Gerard. Everything this con artist just said is noting but lies; smoke and mirrors. If you really want to know the truth, don't take it from Dominic, me or the hundreds of people he cheated; contact eBay or look him up on line. He owes hundreds of people thousand of dollars. No other competitor is after him or trying to hurt/damage his business; its all lies to gain the trust from new victims.
DeleteDo you online research and you will uncover this con artist, his son Josh and wife Laura and their many fake companies.
Dominic Gerard
Dominic Gerard Griffith
Laura Griffith
Josh Griffith
Griffith Group
Group Persee
Griffith Sussee Luxury Group
Artes Mecanice S.A.
Hi, a group of us, who have been scammed and cheated by Dominic, his family and companies, are planning a class action law suite. We would greatly appreciate your involvement. You do not have to contribute financially; we just want him to pay for what he has done to hundred of people and have the family be locked-up for fraud. Please email us at:
DeleteDominic Gerard is not even his real name; his real name is Dominic Griffith. After the big Versace lawsuit, he closed/bankrupted Griffith Susse Luxury Group, opend several other companies under various different names and changed his own name from Dominic Griffith to Dominic Gerard. Everything about this man; including his name is a lie. He even associates himself with Palazzo Collezioni; that also is not true. He has done all sorts of scams; he started with lottery scams and now this. Help us bring justice and stop this thief. Email us at:
DeleteWhy dont you reveal who you really are. We dont owe anyone such money.
DeleteJoshua, enough of the games! You, your father Dominic and your mother are all professional grade scam artists. For years now, your family lives off of cheating and lying to innocent people. You steal people money and tel one lie after another to buy yourselves time. Throughout the years, you have cheated and lied to hundreds people. Now a group of those people have come together to make sure you don't cheat others and you repay them the tens of thousands of money you owe. If you really want to know who we are, open your books for the past 6/7 years, and highlight everyones name you still owe money and merchandise to. Review those name carefully; thats who we are!
DeleteHi if you are going to stand for the truth then tell it? Josh defended his father because he was fooled by deception let me ask would you trust your father?
Deletenow Josh knows the truth he would no longer do this. It seems like you clearly don't know the truth and you are writing with emotion. i can tell you the truth Dominics family has no involvement with scamming anybody DOMINIC ACTS ALONE!!!!!
If you want to stand for what is right at least know the truth and keep innocent people who never had any bad intentions ou too this or this just makes you a shitty person.
If you want to know the full truth simply ask it and get your facts straight otherwise you look silly.
Dominic has had multiple companies he has never changed his name it is Dominic gerard griffith
he uses multiple emails they are:
he also uses an alias called max williamson
This is what i know as i have witnessed this as the truth
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis is all nonsense I have ordered many items from Dom , sent to CANADA , They have all arrived and he has always been professional as well as becoming a friend over 2 yrs of doing business with me . LOVE TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY DOMINIC ! :) Alison
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DeleteBack in September of 2016, I purchased several items on Ebay from Dominic Gerard that amounted to approximately $30,000.00 USD. On the listings, it clearly stated that if one was expecting the items right away, please don't bid. The Versace items that I had bid on and won, were a good price but it wasn't going to be delivered in a timely manner. I knew and understood this all up front. I also purchased a Versace chair that I was told would not be available until January 2017. There was problems with the vendor so I didn't receive the chair, but I did get a full refund that was credited back to my credit card in March 2017. I also have received many of the items this past month, that were purchased last year. It's important to note, that these items on Ebay, including the chair, were past the time frame for Ebay and my credit card guarantee. All the designer items that I have received are all authentic and gorgeous, just as described and promised. If Dominic was dishonest, he did not have to send any of my items, or credit back my cc. All of this was done, because Dominic is running an above board company and he takes pride in customer satisfaction. I have recently purchased other items from Dominic and will continue to do so.
ReplyDeleteDON'T DO IT!!! SCAM AND CON ARTIST!!! Before you send Dominic, his son Josh, his wife Laura or anyone associated with them or their companies, do extensive research about this con artist and his fraudulent family business. Every word that is spoken is carefully calculated to gain your trust and con you out of your money. He is nothing but a fake, a fraud, a con artist. He has several of these fraud companies and lies about being associated with actual companies. If you call the actual real companies they will gladly tell you the scam that these people are running. I paid Dominic close to $40,000.00; in return I received less than $5,000 of merchandise. All of the merchandise I received was broken/damaged, used, missing pieces or fake. Its been over 6 months aI have not received the replacements to the order I received or the rest of the $35,000+ of merchandise due to me. I have exhausted every effort to get my merchandise or refund from Dominic but its one lie after another. Finally I had no other choice but to file a reports with several federal governmental agencies; the United States Customs and Border Protection, the Federal Trade Commission and the FBI. I am not the first one to be scammed by this expert con artist but I hope to be the last.
ReplyDeleteHi, a group of us, who have been scammed and cheated by Dominic, his family and companies, are planning a class action law suite. We would greatly appreciate your involvement. You do not have to contribute financially; we just want him to pay for what he has done to hundred of people and have the family be locked-up for fraud. Please email us at:
DeleteWhy dont you tell us who you really are than make sure claims. We dont owe anyone any products or money.
DeleteJoshua, enough of the games! You, your father Dominic and your mother are all professional grade scam artists. For years now, your family lives off of cheating and lying to innocent people. You steal people money and tel one lie after another to buy yourselves time. Throughout the years, you have cheated and lied to hundreds people. Now a group of those people have come together to make sure you don't cheat others and you repay them the tens of thousands of money you owe. If you really want to know who we are, open your books for the past 6/7 years, and highlight everyones name you still owe money and merchandise to. Review those name carefully; thats who we are!
Dominic, his son Joshua and wife are also "Artes Mechanicae S.A." located at 244 5th ave., suite #2761 or #2103, New York, NY 10001. They have many companies with different names and addresses to trick people from thinking they are this large multi million dollar organization. We have, verified this address and the "suite" they claim to occupy is a mailbox. The entire 2nd floor is a mailroom. In fact, we have spoken with tenants and employees from all 11 stories of this building; not a single one of the tenants or employees has heard the names the several companies that they own or knows Dominic, Joshua or the wife. Even showing pictures of them that was collected off media and other internet platforms, was unsuccessful and still not one person recognized either one of them. One thing we did learn is that there are several scams going on in this building; primarily on the 2nd floor mail room. Hence, suite 2xxx. Most of the scams are Nigerian based citizens, pretending to be American, Australian, Canadian and European. They pretend to live in New York & Australia, the Americas and Europe; but its not true. Its all a scam!
We will post additional information as we discover them.
Coming soon and what we are working on:
1) A website is being developed to expose these people and the operations; this website will also create a platform for people to comment and add additional information.
2) We have been assigned a supervisor Agent and meetings are being arranged with Federal Trade Commission, Fraud Group; New York, Illinois, Texas, California and Florida. These are just some of the states where people were defrauded.
3) United States Customs and Border Protection is awaiting approval to assign a agent/investigator to take on our case and interview our victims.
4) Ebay executives have removed Dominic from Ebay and are working with our team to make sure they don't rename themselves to sell on eBay again.
Any questions, please email us at:
Be cautious of the names and address below; sources indicate that David F. Novak and Cindy L. Bickhaus, may actually be the real Dominic and wife Laura.
CINDY L. BICKHAUS (Chief Executive Officer)
Our team is working on governmental (DMV & Passport) photos; once obtained we will post on this and every other site.
I you have any additional information about Dominic Gerard/Griffith, Joshua Gerard/Griffith, Laura Gerard/Griffith, David F. Novak and/or Cindy L. Bickhaus, please email us at:
david and cindy novak are still helping Dominic they also wrote on your blog they are a couple in chicago who have also been ripped off $60,000 usd. They are helping Dom extort myself and holding assets i paid for personally i am sueing them. don't invade there privacy please. This laura is not even the name of his ex wife and regardless leave her alone she hasn't done anything. i know you are angry but lets do things the right way. i will email you all the peoples debts i know about to publish on here i am assuming Dom ripped you off a lot of money too hence you wrote this blog i can be very valuable in providing you the entire list
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ReplyDeleteI am a designer from Los Angeles. In October of 2016, I placed an order with Dominic for $29,170.27. The order contained, a $15,000.00 fend chandelier, about $5,000.00 of Versace & Cavali wall paper and misc., designer home merchandise. We were assured that the merchandise would reach Los Angeles by early Demember. However, the merchandise we received was only a few items, not even $5,000 worth, which all arrived damaged, wrong, broken, used or incomplete. For months we exhausted every effort to contact and resolve this matter and to receive the rest of our order; however, we were told several lies to buy themselves time. Till this day, the client has not received their merchandise or money. Dominic and his son, still owe the client $29,170.00.
Unfortunately, because of Dominic, the client terminated my contract and hired another designer. In addition, they hired a legal team with investigators. I still speak with the client occasional to obtain status on this whole Dominic ordeal and the merchandise; they tell me that Dominic and his son are no responsive and that occasional they will get an email or phone call stating that they are shipping the merchandise or issuing a refund, but its been months and no merchandise and no refund.
Surprisingly, today I received an email from Dominic; in this email he mentions this blog. I did not know anything about this blog before his email; had I done so, I would never place my order with him. Reading the comments in this blog, it is apparent that my client was not the only person to get scammed or cheated by Dominic and his team of con artist. This email, that Dominic himself, directly sent to me, is a perfect example of who Dominic really is:
"There is a easy way to resolve this and a difficult way to do so. If they choose the easy way then fine. However, the clients messages left on our phone would seem to suggest he chooses the difficult way. This along now with the feedback on the formums left by Arlene and her client. Should they not clean this all up there is absolutely NO CHANCE we will send anything further to them. We are not stupid. I was disgusted with their clients messages threatening us and if he wants this to go on for a much longer period of time then so be it. We will be only to happy to allow it too. We are not at all concerned about the USA Fraud department filing charges against us as there is no fraid here whatsoever. Best Regards, Dominic Griffith"
It is very sad that there are people in this world, like Dominic and his son and his team, that lie, cheat and steel from heard working people. I don't think they realize or understand how much their actions hurt and effect people. I hope that al of these people who he has cheated do get together and get justice.
I will reach out to the people who started "" and give my contact info to them. I hope to help not only my previous clients but anyone else cheated by Dominic and his team.
Regards, Art
My name is Joshua Griffith.
ReplyDeleteThis is my experience.
Ever since I was 13 years old I was introduced into my fathers business.
Looking back, I can see so many people who have gotten hurt by him. Financially and personally.
He selfishly dragged people and their wallets for his personal agendas and needs.
This would include clients, family and even his employees.
He is an excellent sales person, he's very good at making promises. But not good at all on keeping his word.
I supported him as my father because I loved him, I supported him through a lot. This however was never appreciated. I won't go into detail, but I will say that if you give him a hand, he will bite off your arm. He will take whatever he can get out of you, he will use you until you leave after he's sucked every last drop he could from you.
The forums and the outrage here is true, it's actually a very small part of the people who have been hurt by him.
Cindy L Bickhaus (her husband David F Novak) was his former employee, he took complete advantage of these people, he used their credit cards and left a $35,000 debt to them.
Below is an email from Cindy Bickhaus, and another one from her husband David Novak.
Hi Dominic,
I am writing to see if there is any help I can get from you. I do know you have a lot on your plate now and am sorry for this.
I am sorry, but I can not keep up with the payments on the credit cards from the debt you owe me. I have told you this for a couple of years now. The payments alone run about $1000 a month. I was expecting total payment from you when you sold your property and was let down again. Finding a new job is slow here these days. So not only do I have to find funds for my monthly bills, but also the credit cards. The total amount you owe me right now is somewhere around $37,500 plus outstanding salaries.
I have used up all my savings and borrowed the last drop of money from an insurance policy. This whole thing has been a nightmare. I have been trying to deal with all this and the stress has been more than you can imagine. Dave has lost all respect for me and is totally fed up. It really isn't fair for him to go into this black hole with me. He already got drug into the countersuit which was bad enough.
He wants me to speak to Jim about this as well. He is right when he tells me that I should not of been used to fund your business and your law suit. I really can't argue with him about any of this.
I am now facing losing my home and ruining my credit rating.
I know there are others looking to you for what is owed them. All I can say is that I worked hard for you and have stood by you for a long while...and I still do.
I have kept quiet and prayed for all of us. All I am asking for is a little consideration for all I have given up for you.
I appreciate your help and continue to pray for you, Josh and Kristine.
Love to you all,
I am of some understanding that you are having some sort of issues, no idea the circumstances. Let me say that I am sorry, sorry for you on several accounts.
I understand the business is on the brink of closure, if not already done, and so I am writing to say that I am quite sad at the way you have
chosen to treat Cindy, and indirectly me, in all this. Cindy did nothing but try and help you and your business by working hard, long and crazy hours.
Never making sure she was paid on time or in a timely manner, which she hasn't seen pay for several months, and none the less allowing her to run her credit cards up to approx 30K on your behalf and never making an effort to reconcile with her, well I thought we ALL were better friends than that. To do that to an employee is hard to swallow, to do it to ones friends, UNTHINKABLE! I had more faith in you, my mistake. You owe her, who knows how much for her employment and all the monies she ran up on here credit card? I should have stepped in long time ago and demand Cindy cut her ties with you, but rather, I let Cindy do her thing with you. Mistake on my part. The way I have heard that you used other people and their money, why did I ever think you would treat us any differently? So now what, what do you plan to do to reconcile the wrong you did to us? In your world, 40K may mean nothing, in ours it's our whole life. We have a credit card with +30K on it on your behalf. The credit card companies aren't going to tell us not to pay it, how do we reconcile? I can't pay it, it's not even our debt!
I trusted you more than I should have. Shame on me.........shame on you.
This a debt that goes back 10 years, originally $35,000 USD. Today it pushes $75,000 USD.
He added interest, he then regained Cindy's trust with promises (this just goes to show how good he is at manipulation) and she loaned him a further $10,000.
Honestly, I think Cindy has a bleeding heart and wants to believe in the best in people, so do I.
If you are reading this, one thing you should get out of it is be careful who you help, and remember that not everyone believes in the same things you do.
I trusted my father and today I'm due over $100,000. My girlfriend invested in stock for his company to resell. She is due over $40,000.
He fell into default with her and she took back her assets, the other half are in the US with Cindy and Dave. She was employed by Dominic to ship Jessica goods out when they sold.
Today, Cindy and Dave are paying for my father's rent and are investing with him. They are continuing to support and enable him to continue his selfish and disgusting behavior towards other people. I would say go ahead to these people, continue supporting the man that ripped you off, just not with our money.
I have had to take legal action against them for embezzling our assets. They are now his "business partners".
How ironic, huh?
If you have been affected by my father, "his business partners" and want to contact him, here are their contact details:
Cindy L Bickhaus
David F Novak
Dominic Gerard Griffith
*The last email address was not a joke.
Lastly, my greatest regret is playing any part in enabling him to make other people's lives miserable by working for his company.
Joshua Griffith
Some one is POSING To be JOSHUA GRIFFITH In this text ... your "father"
DeleteDom , never stole money from me and we did business for 2 yrs !Posing to be his son is really disturbing , this is my final comment on this weird blog , it seems like a witch hunt , I am not certain if we are all talking about the same person ?? My business dealings with Dominic Griffith was always professional and I have no complaints my bathroom is simply stunning and this is outrageous . Alison from Canada .
How much he begged you to write positive?
DeleteMaybe you can deny this is not Josh, but I'm sure you can't deny Josh text messages and his emails.
Trust him as much as you want but one day he will catch you.
You think everyone ones here are fake and have nothing to do, just write about this piece a shit?
Honey, my advice to you stay away from him. He would do and say anything to gain your trust. That's his tactic.
I agree with you he also ripped me off he sickens me top the core.He did hide behind his innocent son but now his son is going to make sure not a single soul has this happen to them again he actually made sure his father has no access to any clients and is writing to them all personally. i am reporting him to the ato for tax fraud so sooner or later he will get what he deserves hope this gives you closure. kristine and josh had nothing to do with this please don't bash them they are extremely good people also victims of Domn they aren't to blame
ReplyDeleteYou think I touched a $ of your money?
ReplyDeleteGet a grip Navid.
I can prove where your money went, not a single cent went to me. I trusted my father to supply your order.
He used my account to dodge tax and have me take the fall. Want proof? I'll post it tomorrow.
I am in complete shock , this is not 'DOMINIC'S Son texting this is all B.S !!
DeleteFirst of all who the F. Is Nabid.
ReplyDeleteSecond of all you were living with that pig in the service apartment in Melbourne Australia $1200pw with our money. Then Shut the f off
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DeleteHave a sense of proportion.
ReplyDeleteI don't blame your for being angry, I know how it feels. I was f******* furious when he told me he was pretty much ripping me and everyone else off.
Wouldn't you trust your father Nav???
That's what happens when you trust someone, there was nothing I could do. I trusted this guy to supply the same way you did. That's the truth.
Are we idiots for trusting him? YES.
Isn't that the point of this forum?
This was his company and his decisions, I didn't screw you over Nav and I think you know that.
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DeleteI'm sorry Nav. I'm sorry for trusting him.
ReplyDeleteI think the reason why you trusted him was because I also trusted him and you knew that.
I always felt bad for what happened, I know you and Sepi are good people. But I did not take a cent of your money Nav. I'm not the reason why you didn't get your furniture Nav.
To be honest, your the main reason why I wanted everyone to write on this blog. Because I never want another person to go through what you, me and so many others went through. He made my life pretty miserable I can imagine how Sepi felt too.
You know how many nights my girlfriend been crying because of what he and Cindy did stealing her stock? I know EXACTLY HOW IT FEELS.
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DeleteDominic , Josh and that Jessica are all from the from the same filth . An other game and more time wasted to there advantage .
ReplyDeleteAnyone wanting to bring Dominic to justice contact
THE AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL POLICE and report him to the authority , lets see Josh tell them he had no part of it then lol. Dominic is also a convicted felon of methamphetamine and was sent to 3years jail and still on parole was scamming people ??
LISTED BELOW ARE DOMINIC AND HIS PARTNER IN CRIME AND SON JOSH'S known ADDRESS , to make it easier for the police . The Australian government is very strict of fraud especially IT fraud
Dominic Gerard Griffith
12-14 / 1103 Claremont Street
South Yarra
Victoria, 3141
Joshua Griffith
G04 37-39 Bosisto Street
Richmond VIC 3121
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DeleteDominic do you think you can control every situation and twist people to a position were you think you have the advantage?? Your far from a genius , and at every stage we have been a step ahead and allowing you to dig your own grave
DeleteThe problem with narcissism it makes you believe your superior , does not allow you to look back and double check your self. Also the narcissistic person needs continual praise and see's him self as some type of god or should I say bull !!! bhahahahahah
Unfortunately we did not reach the people that have lost there money to you in the last 12months . "
WE " have been cheeking this listing for over 12 months
Who got you to send forged Versace and Rosenthal invoices ??? .
Who got you to write a full email incriminating your self , just so we could send it to Germany and send it to your previous buyers ??
Why do you think everyone in Germany will not even talk to you or your son ?
Who do you think trashed your "Groupe luxe scam company name ?
Who was the person that stole any customer worth having ,and are our customers now? .
Who allowed you to buy from German suppliers just to get your address's ?.
Who has up to date pictures of you and Josh ?
We have all the time in the world and you live life by the second . It seems you have become increasingly desperate and we predicted as much . We can predict 2 more things for your future . You will be going back to jail , and the second time is going to be far worse .
Tvoj mrtvac hoda
The Matador's
Dominic , Josh and that Jessica are all from the from the same filth . An other game and more time wasted to there advantage .
ReplyDeleteAnyone wanting to bring Dominic to justice contact
THE AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL POLICE and report him to the authority , lets see Josh tell them he had no part of it then lol. Dominic is also a convicted felon of methamphetamine and was sent to 3years jail and still on parole was scamming people ??
LISTED BELOW ARE DOMINIC AND HIS PARTNER IN CRIME AND SON JOSH'S known ADDRESS , to make it easier for the police . The Australian government is very strict of fraud especially IT fraud
Dominic Gerard Griffith
12-14 / 1103 Claremont Street
South Yarra
Victoria, 3141
Joshua Griffith
G04 37-39 Bosisto Street
Richmond VIC 3121
They have moved from South Yarra in March, they are losers.
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DeleteWho is Dominic?
ReplyDeleteHe is a narcissist. You can see this from the way he treats other people on this blog.
Look at how he treats the people he ripped off, like trash. And what kind of father blackmails their own children??
What goes in their minds?
They think they know the best about everything. They think you need to ask their permission before doing anything. Their absolute certainty pulls you into self doubt. Unsure of your own judgement, you give into them.They think they are more important than you. Your life should be devoted to their needs. Their desires and jealousy should be of concern and not yours. Their feelings get hurt easily that makes you suppress your feelings.
Everyone is their pawn in the game. You add value as long as you help them or worship them. They are selfish, arrogant and demeaning. They make you afraid if you disagree.
They think their reasons are always correct. Their feelings are justification for their anger, retaliation and revenge.If you don’t agree, you simply don’t understand.
They are right and righteous- Their logic, reasoning, rules rule. They can do anything to strike or attack back but everyone else should be bounded by their rules. If your feelings are hurt by what they have said, its your fault and its your problem.They think they don’t have anything to learn. They insist on doing things their way even though they are failing. They won’t listen to you especially when they are failing.
You can contact him here:
DeleteUnit 2, 10 Clovelly Place, Labrador, Queensland 4215, Australia
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And how do you know that?
ReplyDeletePlease give us some background
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ReplyDeleteWhoops There are beautiful LADIES all over the place.
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This is GREAT SMEAR CAMPAIGN by nothing more than OUR compeditors under some false idea that they can try and RUIN MY NAME! They may as well be better off to go argue with the GOD! Slanderous people can NOT live in TRUTH cause they have NO INTEGRITY whatsoever. It is as simple as that.
I welcome any REAL comments anytime and I offer my DIRECT number to anyone in the world since I have no problem with the DARK as all you need to do is shine some LIGHT on them with TRUTH and watch the DARK FLEE - USA | NEW YORK 1-718-514-076-95 or laid back on some beach anywhere in the world +61-4-554-076-95 | just ask for Dom and my team will conect you straight through! Simple, not complicated at all! Do not believe all the nonsense people will put out their | FAKE NEWS | Fake Forums from totally INAUTHENTIC people called Small Business Minded LOSER Compeditors! Good luck I say! BE REAL WITH ME OR DONT MESS WITH TRUTH!
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ReplyDeleteHi Sir Dom.
ReplyDeleteAfter being separated from your company this is the first time im reading this. It is a great shocker. Knowing you from my point of view and remembering how you always guide and teach me. And remembering how you emphasize on "what make a company great? it is the people around it. So make sure to take good care of the people around you." and these never left me. learned a lot from it.
Seeing how angry these people are. I guess it is understandable. for a clients point of view. as long as their is no delivery you are automatically a scammer. failing to understand other variable factor that could cause the delay or never delivered item. To win a case means you also need to put out money to win from the injustice from 2 big companies means you will loose alot, from your people to your facilities. hence production and deliveries will be affected. it will be hard to catch up on your deliverables.
I know from my experience working under your guidance you took pride in your name and made sure never to put a stain into it. but eventually every big companies will have their own time of downfall, even versace and eBay once had it, and it will take yrs from your life before everything will be cleared.
Be strong sir everything will be okay. its almost 2021. I hope your ok. I will add you and your family in my prayers. may these clear up all soon. and if you remember me. hope we could seat down and have a nice drink just for a chat.